
dinsdag 27 maart 2012

How to crochet a Celtic Knot

(Zie voor de Nederlandse beschrijving het vorige bericht)

I have understood on several places that there is a wish to see the tutorial of the Celtic knot in english.
My english is not that good and I think even in dutch it's hard to follow my tutorial, but I'll try.
With this method you can make every knot that you want, not only this one.

What you need:

  • yarn and a matching hook
  • stichmarkers or little pieces of an other coloured yarn
  • pins
  • a little board of cork
  • a print of a knot in actual size
  • needle
At first you pin the print on your board.
I have signed the direction of the "rope", because it makes it easier to follow.

Then you crochet a chain of loose chainstiches, as long as the middle of the "rope"of your knot.
The easiest way to see if your chain is long enough, you pin the chain on your board as you see on the picture.
You have to begin UNDER a crossway (on the picture it's not right shown, because on the moment of picturing, I still had to discover that) so you can work the ends nicely away.

Don't sew the ends together yet!

Mark the curves with stichmarkers of the little pieces of yarn.
I've crocheted on both sites of the chain double crochet  (uk)/ treble (usa) in each chain.
The inside of the curve is made by 2 dc/tr crocheted  together (=decrease) , skip 1 st , 2 dc/tr crocheted together (=decrease).
The outside of the curve is made by 2 dc/tr together in 1 st, 3 dc/tr together in 1 st, 2 dc/tr together in 1st.

On the other side of the chain you do the same, but then the inside of the curve becomes outside and the outside becomes inside. 
I'm sorry, I forgot to take pictures from here.

Then you weave the crocheted "ribbon" like the knot on your board on the paper. The easiest way is to put pins on every crossway and curve. Sew the ends together under a crossway, while the whole knot is still pinned on your board (just in the direct area of the ends you must take away the pins of course).
Sew the crossways together with a few little stiches.
When everything is sewed together, you can take of your knot from the board and do with it whatever you like.
I will use mine in a postmanbag.

I hope you can understand my "english" and that the tutorial is a bit clear now, just try it and you'll see what I mean exactly. 
Good luck and a lot of pleasure with it!

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Wowwwwwwwwww, in het Engels vertaald ....ik kan dat niet, dus chapeau !

    1. Ik ook niet Marjo, ik doe maar alsof, hahaha
      De vraag stond onder meer op Pinterest en Ravelry, dus ja, je moet toch wat nietwaar? ;-)

  2. Jeetje, je schudt dat zo maar even uit je mouw! Ik moet zeggen dat ik van Engels naar Nederlands een stuk gemakkelijker vind :) Maar je hebt vast veel mensen een plezier gedaan met je vertaling!

    lieve groet,
    Wolatelier DiAn

  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. Everything is clear for me, your english is great!
    Have a wonderful evening! xxxBarbina

  4. Wow... wat een uitdaging! Ziet er prachtig uit en dan ook nog vertalen in het engels:) Chapeau, om er maar een frans woordje aan toe te voegen;) groetjes

  5. Hé, hartstikke goed van je Angélique! En niet te bescheiden zijn hoor...

    Groetjes, Elizabeth

  6. Met dat tipje van de sluier zit je wel vet dicht in de buurt. Voordat het tipje nog verder opgelicht wordt, duurt nog even. M'n zusjes hebben toetsweek, dus de naaikamer is omgetoverd tot studeerkamer. En ik pas niet in het interieur met m'n naaimachine ;)

  7. que original, gracias por el tutorial

  8. wow, I've never seen a pattern like this before - thank you so much for sharing!


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